Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) projects - state agencies


The $8.2 million Flood studies, risk assessment and management strategies and intelligence systems (WP3) work package is part of the Flood Risk Management (FRM) program - a component of the jointly funded Australian and Queensland Government (50:50) 2021-22 Rainfall and Flooding - Exceptional circumstances Category C and D funding package approved under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).


Deliver and implement the Brisbane River Catchment Flood Forecasting and Warning System – Queensland Reconstruction Authority 
Review and update the construction standard for flood resilient building, which would also support the Category D Resilient Homes Fund – Department of Energy and Public Works 
Support and upskill community leaders as part of community led recovery and resilience to flooding 
Undertake a regional evacuation capability assessment 
Undertake a verification exercise of the Brisbane River hydraulic model using the 2022 event data 
Audit the changes made to post event surveys to ensure it is meeting the objectives of widescale usability, and implement further improvements 

Funding acknowledgements

The Flood studies, risk assessment and management strategies and intelligence systems (WP3) work package is part of the Flood Risk Management (FRM) program - a component of the jointly funded Australian and Queensland Government (50:50) 2021-22 Rainfall and Flooding - Exceptional circumstances Category C and D funding package approved under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Note that funding may be re-allocated within the FRM program, to be determined by need once initial assessments are undertaken or through forecast budgetary requirements during delivery. QRA may seek to reallocate funding across DRFA Category C and D packages, in consultation with the National Emergency Management Agency. The costs include extraordinary delivery costs to administer the program by QRA.