Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) - $49 million


The $49 million Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) provides funding to undertake key activities to support evidence-based response, mitigation and resilience strategies to manage river, creek and overland flood risk. The program is a component of the jointly funded Australian and Queensland Government (50:50) 2021-22 Rainfall and Flooding - Exceptional circumstances Category C and D funding package approved under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

The program is comprised of the following three Work Packages (WPs), with details published via the webpage links below.

  • Community engagement and education material (WP1)
  • LiDAR capture and floor level database (WP2)
  • Flood studies, risk assessment and management strategies (WP3).

Flood Risk Management Program (FRMP) Work Packages

Community engagement and education material
$2.35 million for targeted information and education campaigns to enhance the disaster preparedness and resilience of communities.
Lidar capture and floor level database
$12.4 million for LiDAR capture and dataset processing to form key data underpinning flood studies and risk assessments for identified areas.
Flood studies, risk assessment and management strategies
$34.25 million for floods studies for river, creek and/or overland flooding, risk assessments and management strategies.


The objectives of the FRMP program are to:

  • Increase the resilience of Queensland communities to future flooding events
  • Ensure communities understand and manage their flood risk
  • Enhance councils’ ability to be better prepared for, respond to, and recover from flood-related disasters
  • Guide and support local decision making in relation to mitigating existing and future flood risks
  • Enhance capability and capacity for effective flood risk management
  • Ensure flood risk management processes are consistent with the Queensland Flood Risk Management Framework


The FRMP program will contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Improved critical baseline data and information to inform flood studies and risk assessments
  • Increased flood intelligence to be better able to prepare for and respond to flooding events
  • Community awareness of their flood risk and the information and services available to them to manage their risks
  • Availability of fit-for-purpose data, information, flood studies, risk assessments and management strategies, consistent with the Queensland Flood Risk Management Framework, to enable informed local decision-making
  • Prioritised future investment in flood risk management

Eligible disaster events

  • Central, Southern and Western Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, 10 November - 3 December 2021
  • Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seth, 29 December 2021 - 10 January 2022
  • South East Queensland Rainfall and Flooding, 22 February - 5 April 2022
  • Southern Queensland Flooding, 6 May - 20 May 2022


This program is currently underway. 

Administration agency

Queensland Reconstruction Authority

Funding acknowledgement

Jointly funded Australian and Queensland Government (50:50) 2021-22 Rainfall and Flooding - Exceptional circumstances Category C and D funding package approved under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Note: Funding may be re-allocated within the FRMP, to be determined by need once initial assessments are undertaken or through forecast budgetary requirements during delivery. The Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) may seek to reallocate funding across DRFA Category C and D packages, in consultation with the National Emergency Management Agency. The costs include extraordinary delivery costs to administer the program by QRA.

More information

Email: floodteam@qra.qld.gov.au


Last updated: 17 July 2024. QRA Reference: DOC/24/35572.